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  1. Daniels, P., & Leslie, D. (2013). @ CUE Grammar Software Ready for EFL Writers ? 391–401.
  2. Schraudner, M. (2014). The online teachers assistant: using automated correction programs to supplement learning and lesson planning. CELE Journal, 22, 128–140
  3. Shamim, Abdul (2017). Techno tools made teaching-learning engrossing and entertaining. Vidyabharti International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Proceeding Issue), (28-31). Retrieved from http://
  4. Bhirud, N. S., Bhavsar, R. P., & Pawar, B. V. (2017). Grammar Checkers for Natural Languages: a Review. International Journal on Natural Language Computing (IJNLC), 6(4).
  5. Mudge, R. (2010). The Design of a Proofreading Software Service. Computational Linguistics, (June), 24–32.
  6. Dodgson, A. N., Tariq, B., Alauyah, M., & Yusof, M. (2016). The Secondary School Students’ Usage of English Learning Websites to Self-Correct Writing Errors. Asian TEFL, 1(11), 2503–2569.
  7. Qassemzadeh, A., & Soleimani, H. (2016). The Impact of Feedback Provision by Grammarly Software and Teachers on Learning Passive Structures by Iranian EFL Learners. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 6(9), 1884.
  8. Cavaleri, M., & Dianati, S. (2016). You want me to check your grammar again? The usefulness of an online grammar checker as perceived by students. Journal of Academic Language & Learning, 10(1), 223–236. Retrieved from
  9. Regan, B. O., Mompean, A. R., Desmet, P., Leuven, U. C. L. K. U., & O’Regan, B. (2010). From spell, grammar and style checkers to writing aids for English and French as a foreign language: challenges and opportunities. Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée, 15(2), 67–84.

10. Potter, R., & Fuller, D. (2008). My New Teaching Partner? Using the Grammar Checker in Writing Instruction. The English Journal, 98(1), 36–41. Retrieved from

11. Vernon, A. (2000). Computerized Grammar Checkers 2000: Capabilities, Limitations, and Pedagogical Possibilities. Computers and Composition, 17(3), 329–349.

12. Tesfaye, D. (2011). A rule-based Afan Oromo Grammar Checker. IJACSA - International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2(8), 126–130. Retrieved from

13. McAlexander, P. J. (2000). Checking the Grammar Checker : Integrating Grammar Instruction. Journal of Basic Writing, 19(2), 124–140.


Accurate use of grammar and writing is an essential aspect of any writing. Today various online grammar spelling checker tools are available for improving writing quality. The popularity of these platforms is increasing among researchers and academicians every day. Aim of the present study is to know the opinion, use and satisfaction level among the users of Grammarly - online grammar and spelling checker tool subscribed by the Health Science Library, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal. Structured questionnaires were distributed among the registered users of Grammarly tool at the Health Sciences Library. The study observed that almost all the users were aware that the Health Science Library is subscribing to Grammarly tool. More than half of the users used this tool because of the limitation of Microsoft word as found in the study. It is also found from the study that the majority of the respondents who participated in the study were using Grammarly for Microsoft Office. The study also observed that users are using Grammarly tool for different purposes like writing research papers, dissertations, theses, books, reports, and course papers. From the present study, it is also observed that most important advantages of Grammarly are - it improves the writing skills, catches contextual spelling and grammar mistakes, integrates with Microsoft Office, shows definitions and synonyms via double-clicks. Grammarly is one of the tools subscribed by the Health Sciences Library to boost up academic writing, research, and publication of students, faculty members, and research scholars of MAHE, Manipal.
