"So what made you choose librarianship? Reasons teachers give for their" by Franklin Gyamfi Agyemang

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This paper explores the reason teachers choose to go into librarianship when leaving the teaching profession from Sub-Saharan Africa. Snowball sampling method was used to locate seventeen (17) participants for this study in Ghana. Mixed methods were used for data collection; questionnaire (open-ended questions) and interview. The data was analyzed using the thematic analysis technique. The study found the following as reasons teacher choose librarianship when leaving the teaching profession: Better Salaries and Remunerations, Relatedness of librarianship to teaching, Love for books, Employment Space and scope of opportunities for librarians. By the findings, this study corroborates researches on second-career librarianship especially from the teaching background. It throws more light on the push factors why teachers practise librarianship.

respondents' profile.docx (16 kB)
Respondents' profile
