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Aulianto, D. R., Yusup, P. M., & Setianti, Y. (2019). Pemanfaatan Aplikasi “ Publish Or Perish ” Sebagai Alat Analisis Sitasi Pada Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran. In D. R. Aulianto (Ed.), Book Chapter Seminar Nasional MACOM III "Communication and Information Beyound Boundaries (pp. 873–880). Sumedang: AKSEL Media Akselerasi.

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Scientific journals will be useful if they have any scientific impact for the scientific field, one of the way to know is through citation. The more writers cite articles, the greater the benefits of the article. This study aims to determine the development of Journal of Information & Library Study (JKIP) which has been published since 2013, citation analysis, including the distribution of articles annually, authorship patterns, the highest number of citations and visualization forms. The method used is bibliometric analysis, by collecting the data sourced from the page, the data is processed and analyzed using Ms. Excel, Publish or Perish Application (PoP) and VOSviewer. The results of the study concluded that JKIP published 2 times in a year and had published 111 articles during 2013-2019, with the number of collaborative authors (71.2%) more than a single author (28.8%). All publications have more than 101 pages. JKIP has a citation number of 190 and the highest for one article title has 9 citations. The visualization can be seen to find out the frequency of collaboration and strengthening of networks between writers.
