Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 4-27-2019

Document Type



1. Walia, Paramjeet K. & Nitu,Sinha (2014). Changing trend in reading habits of teenagers in Delhi :An impact assessment of demographic and environmental variables : Library review 63. Emerald Group Publishing, 1/2, 125-137

2. Benard,Ronald,and Frankwell Dulle (2014). Assessment of access and use of cchool library information resources by secondary schools students in Morogoro Municipality,Tanzania. Library Philosophy and Practice, Paper 1107

3. Kantaria, Nileshkumar M (2014). A Survey on the reading interest of Pre-Service teachers in relation to Some Variables. International Research : Journal of Library and Information Science, 96 – 103.

4. Rajput,P.S.(2014). A Survey of students approach towards reading skills : prospects,Issues and Challenges. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology,159 – 162.


The purpose of the present study to find out and investigates the use of library services-facilities and reading habits of senior secondary school students in Nagaur district Rajasthan. This study was conducted in 6 Senior Secondary Schools under the CBSE affiliation schools and Government Board of Rajasthan schools in Nagaur Rajasthan. This study display the diverse aspects of reading habits like,reading study of the documents issued from the library, use of references documents, aims of the study, place of reading, time spent inside the library, which medium reading documents preferred by students .For this study only class 11th and 12th students are selected. The total numbers of population sample is 425. Novels, story books and G.K are the most prefer reading documents among the students.Therefore the population size of the students is very huge, so randomly sample is adopted for this study.
