Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


A Survey of Users’ Satisfaction with Library Resources and Services at Mountain Top University Library, Nigeria.

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Akinade, H.O.J. & Oloyede, O.E. (2019). A Survey of Users’ Satisfaction with Library Resources and Services at Mountain Top University Library, Nigeria.


This survey was conducted to examine the satisfaction of library users with available information resources, facilities, and services offered at Mountain Top University Library, Ogun state, Nigeria. It was also to identify areas where improvement is needed, regarding the library’s collection, services and facilities. The survey research design was adopted and self-administered questionnaires were used as a means for data collection. Out of student population of over 1000, a sample size of 300 undergraduates were randomly selected. The study revealed that library resources are grossly underutilized, even though students were not completely dissatisfied with the resources, services and facilities of the library. Therefore, there is need for improvement in terms of the collection, creation of awareness, user – library staff relations and training facilitation, especially on the use of e-resources available in the library.

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