Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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BGIL. (2017). BGIL. Retrieved 10 8, 2018, from Bharatiya Global Infomedia Ltd.:
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The adoption of Integrated Library Systems (ILS) became prevalent in the 1980s and 1990s as libraries began or continued to automate their processes. These systems enabled library staff work, in many cases, more efficiently than in the past.
However, these systems are restrictive and have thus undergone changes over the years, making processes more efficient. One area of improved capabilities is that of “search”, which in this paper, builds on integrating topic modeling as a new feature in modern integrated library systems in open and distance learning institutions. Users can now partake and explore new ways of resolving text classification and data exploration problems on a typical library management.
This aims also at improving book search, browse and help in book-selection decision making.