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Summer 8-2-2019

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The aim of the present study is to analyze the productivity growth of Bioinformatics research publications in India during the period (2009-2018). The primary data was collected from the Scopus database. The study examine scientific productivity on various scientometrics parameters i.e. year wise growth rate of publications, most productive authors name and their no. of publications, subject wise distribution of publications, source title, significant keywords, affiliations, funding agencies, after the analysis it has been found that the highest number of 348 research papers were published in the year 2018 and Chakraborty, C. was most productive author with 20 contribution and got the first rank. In the field of Biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, the highest 1269 research papers were published and the highest 98 articles were published in PloS one journal while the most significant keyword was ‘Bioinformatics’ which was used in 1604 research papers. The most productive organization is the Vellore Institute of technology which has contributed 89 research papers during the period of study. The most popular funding agency was the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) who have funded 144 research papers in bioinformatics subject area in India from the marked period of study.
