Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 7-31-2019

Document Type



Pradhan, B. (2019). Pattern of Research Collaboration of six Indian Institutes of Technology: A Scientometric Analysis. Library Philosophy and Practice


The study makes an analysis of 72940 papers indexed by Scopus International database and published by six Indian Institutes of Technology during 2006 to 2015 which indicates that scientists of six IITs are more inclined to publish their research papers in collaboration with other countries and international institutions as two third (66.65%) papers of six IITs are internationally collaborated with 459 countries from almost all regions of the World. However the dominant research collaborating countries among them included USA, UK, Germany, Canada, France, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, China, Italy, etc. All the six IITs also published (33.34%) papers collaboration with 355 national institutes within India to publish their papers. The study also indicates that the average value of CC for six institutes is 0.96, which indicates collaborative pattern of six institutes are denoted by co-authored papers than solo authors. It also indicates that the multi and mega-authored papers have notably increased during the second block of 2011-2015 compared to 2006-2010 as CC is 1.03. Among 38 highly collaborative institutions, the highest (Seven) are from USA, and Purdue University, USA had the highest number of internationally collaborated papers with three IITs.
