"A Scientometric Analysis Of Drone Technology Publications" by Lakshminarasimhappa MC and Kemparaju TD

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study focus on the growth and development of drone technology research in forms of publications reflected in Web of Science database, during the span of 1998-2017. A total 3433 publications were found and the highest 1040 (30.29%) publications published in 2017. The average number of 343.3 publications were published per year in the study field and there was a variation in Annual Growth, because there is no constant growth of publications every year in the area of study. Out of total publications, 3123 (90.97%) contributed by collaboration of multiple authors and 310 (9.03%) by single authors. Authors from United States of America (USA) published the highest number of publications with a total of 774 (22.55%), followed by China and South Korea with 618 (18.00%) and 238 (6.93%) publications were produced respectively. It exposed that the most prolific author is Kim Y secured first place by contributing 31 (0.90%) publications, followed by Zarco 21(0.61%), and Zhang 17 (0.50%) publications were published in drone technology. The collaborative index range from 3.43 (2008) to 4.19 (2012) with an average of 3.88 and 3.79 (2013) to 4.45 (2017) with an average of 4.16 per joint authored paper. For a total of 3123 multiple authored publications has 4.13 of an average per joint authors. It implies the research team falls between 3 and 4 authorship pattern in field of drone technology. It is identified the domination of Chinese institutions by contributing 23.77% (816) of a total research output in drone technology. In respect to, 7.31% (251) form Chines Academy of Science, 6.26% (215) from Beihang University, 5.33% (183) from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
