Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 7-8-2019

Document Type



  1. Ilo, P. I., & Ifijeh, G. (2010). Impact of the Internet on final year students' research: A case study of Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 1-7.
  2. Baro, E. E., & Oyinnuah Asaba, J. (2010). Internet connectivity in university libraries in Nigeria: the present state. Library Hi Tech News, 27(9/10), 13-19.
  3. Goldfarb, A., & Prince, J. (2008). Internet adoption and usage patterns are different: Implications for the digital divide. Information Economics and Policy, 20(1), 2-15.
  4. Razeq Mustafa Younis, A. (2002). The perception and administrative effect of Internet usage in Jordanian university libraries. Online Information Review, 26(3), 193-208.
  5. Markwei, E. D. (2001). Awareness and use of the internet by academic staff and students of the University of Ghana. Unpublished thesis. University of Ghana, Legon.
  6. Niemz, K., Griffiths, M., & Banyard, P. (2005). Prevalence of pathological Internet use among university students and correlations with self-esteem, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), and disinhibition. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 8(6), 562-570.
  7. Ajuwon, G. A. (2003). Computer and internet use by first year clinical and nursing students in a Nigerian teaching hospital. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 3(1), 10.


The study analysed the awareness and usage of the internet among 124 Students and research scholars of Alagappa University. A well-structured questionnaire was used for data collection and MS Excel software was used for analyzing the data. The study revealed that majority of the respondents are female 93(75%) and 65(52.4 %) of respondents are PG students. research scholars and fewer respondents from Staff. Most of respondents 120(96.8%) using the Internet, Further the study found that 53(42.7%) of using Department in the University. 43(34.7%) of respondents use the University library. Most of the respondents 35(28.2%) of used the library monthly, 24(19.3%) of respondents use the library once in a fortnight. Most of the respondents 86(69.3%) of the respondents use the Google chrome; 20(16.1%) of the respondents use the Mozilla Firefox. 107(86.3%) of the respondents using database, The study found that 36(29%) of respondents using internet to Update knowledge and 27(21.7%) of respondents use it study purpose; 44(40%) of respondents used to store and share information in online resource using Google drive, 93(75%) of respondents used UGC-info net database/journal. 42(33.8%) of the respondents facing the problem not finding relevant information, followed by 36(29%) of respondents Software/ hardware problem, Efficiency of visiting internet 47(37.9%) of respondent use Enhanced proficiency in writing; 35(28.2%) of respondent used Increasing the number of publication, 66(53.2%) of the respondent of using satisfied; 44(35.5%) of the respondent of using fully satisfied.
