Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This is the original research paper.


The extensive and comprehensive statistics of different users’ characteristics and behaviour on a particular website has perform by using the Web analytics which offer increased visibility of website and greater user satisfaction. Measurement of website usage give a suitable and relevant source of user-centric information about the popularity of a library OPAC. The behavior of library visitors needs more attention so that a website can become a more effective, user satisfaction, library related activities and functions, and library users display statistics and it also provide site administrators a number of web metrics that relate users’ activities on a individual library online public access catalogue. Information mashup and cloud computing are the major elements in the field of Web analytics. It is very important because increasing the library information services through open source software Koha in integrated library management and retrieval system. Web analytics gives many facilities for the websites metrics to the visitors and to improve the better organization of information resources. Web analytics have monitoring and evaluation of websites usage and statistics of different libraries. This is very important to the library professionals for easy and simple visual graph in different levels. Client server architecture is an important aspects in integrated library management and retrieval system. Actually client server architecture is a part of cloud computing. The prime objective of any library is to proper dissemination of information resources among the users, but the problem of suitable sites measures for viewing the library OPAC by different users. In this paper have select the two important open source software such as Piwik and Open Web Analytics. Apart from this it has also successfully integrate the Koha OPAC with Piwik and Open Web Analytics user interfaces.
