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Summer 9-21-2019

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The existence of communication media cannot be separated from everyday human life today. Social media provides extraordinary benefits for members of Aceh House of Representatives (DPRA) to get closer to its people. The use of social media to socialize the performance of board members, absorb aspirations and information from the public. The qualitative research method and the case study approach used in this study, this study intends to describe the use of social media in providing information related to the activities and performance of women legislative members in the DPRA in carrying out political communication in Aceh's local parliament. The results of the study conclude: 1). The importance of disseminating information on the performance of DPRA as part of the accountability of legislative members to the community that he represented. 2). The use of communication media provides both institutions and personal opportunities for their existence in carrying out their duties and functions in making qanun, supervision and budgeting. 3). There are diverse responses among women legislators in the management of communication media, especially social media, namely: a). A number of women legislators optimally utilizing this communication media, b). Some of these women legislators are still minimal in using social media to conduct political communication. c). There are women legislators who do not use this communication media properly and according to her the delivery of information to the media as "riya".
