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Date of this Version

Summer 11-2019

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The study was conducted to examine information seeking pattern of school teachers in Sri Lanka. The survey method was adapted for this study and a self-administered questionnaire was used as main data collection tool. The school teachers who enrolled to follow postgraduate courses in the Department of Education, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka were selected as the study population and the collected data were analyzed using SPSS (21.0). The study found that most of the respondents used face to face discussions and mass media as communication channels and most of the respondents study curriculum, teachers’ guides and students’ text books before preparing the lesson plans. Most of the teachers seek information with a perceived idea in mind. The teachers consider whether the contents of the documents address the topics on the syllabi adequately when evaluating information sources. This study also identified several problems that encounter by the teachers when seeking information for Curriculum planning.
