Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 9-12-2019

Document Type



Alfida, Siti Maryam, Fahma Rianti, Information in the Age of Misinformation: Counteracting the Problems of Online Radicalization with Digital Literacy. Library Philosophy and Practice, 2019


The source of information can give things that you want to know, when we want to find out, instantly. This means computers, smartphones, social media, and, of course, the internet has the potential to provide extraordinary benefits to knowledge seekers. The benefits of this technology have been offset by the impact of misinformation. This results in the spread of lies all over the place in the blink of an eye, triggering panic or anger in a group of people with text messages that are not true. This study aims to identify digital literacy skills of PTKIN students facing the flood of content of online radicalization by conducting studies to selected universities based on needs analysis. In detail, the research aims to analyze in depth students' understanding of online radicalization; deeply analyze students 'digital literacy skills in dealing with online radicalization, and identify the influence of students' digital literacy skills on social media use related to radicalism. This research is a descriptive study, with two approaches, namely quantitative approach and qualitative approach (mixed method) to members of the LDK PTKIN UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung, UIN Maulana Malik, Ibrahim, UIN Walisongo Semarang. This study shows that LDK members' digital literacy abilities are included into a very positive (very good) category with a recapitulation of an average score of 3.55 and the results of a focus group discussion. The concept of Tabayyun is an important reason for the excellent results. The relationship of digital literacy skills to Understanding and Actions of Online Radicalization is indeed very low. This is due to one of them being the intensity of their use of online social media which is also not high.
