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  1. Jeyapragash, B., Rajkumar, T and Muthuraj, A. (2018). Research Contributions of Indian Universities in ResearchGate: An Analysis, Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science, 7 (1), 1-6.
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This paper examines the research contributions and utilization of ResearchGate by Central Universities in India. The study considered only Central Universities in India which are listed in UGC website. A total of 49 Central Universities available in India only 45 universities are contributed their research activities in ResearchGate. Further the data was analyzed by ResearchGate (RG) scores, memberships, publications, research contribution wise top ten universities and top ten members in ResearchGate by central universities in India. It is found that the University of Delhi has highest (21338.47) RG score, 3868 members with 8906 publications and Banaras Hindu University” has 20220.29 RG Score, 3214 members with highest number of (11544) publications in ResearchGate. It is suggested that the other central universities should come forward to contribute their research activities through ResearchGate for getting more institutional visibility in word wide.
