Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 6-30-2019

Document Type



Jeyhsankar,R. (2019). Emotional Intelligence Management Skills of Library and Information Science Professionals in the Universities of Tamil Nadu, India: An Analytical Study


This study examined the Emotional Intelligence Management Skills of Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals working in universities in Tamil Nadu. The study reveals that out of 441 respondents surveyed under the study, 325 (73.7%) are male respondents and 116 (26.3%) are female respondents. It was found that 130 (29.5%) respondents strongly agree that they can tackle typical & uncomfortable situations taking place in the library while 128 (29%) respondents strongly agree that they can share novel ideas and new information with library users and feel helpless while managing library activities. It was found that the male respondents possess higher skills in 5 emotional intelligence management as their WAM is more than 4.0.The female respondents are better skilled than male respondents in escaping from complicated situations by leaving the place then. In the case of all other emotional intelligence management skills, male respondents are better skilled than female respondents. The study investigated whether Government. Universities and Private Universities differ on whether they rate their emotional intelligence management skills as strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree, chi-square statistic was used. The Pearson Chi-square result and indicates that the Government. Universities and Private Universities respondents are significantly different on their rating of 14 emotional intelligence management skills as strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree since p-value for these 14 variables are less than the significant level of 0.05. Thus, null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. This study suggested the well groomed library professional good at many skills is an asset to any institution he/she works in. His/her emotional intelligence management skills may bring drastic changes and positive impacts both in the library landscape and library services.
