Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of the library service instances in Surabaya-Indonesia reviewed through a national standard library (SNP) 006: 2011.

Design/methodology/approachThis study used a descriptive type. The population targeted in this study is the Special Libraries Government Agencies in Surabaya-Indonesia. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling.

FindingsThe results of this study are many of the services provided by special libraries owned by government have not fulfilled the minimum standards of the Libraries’ National Standards (Standar Nasional Perpustakaan—SNP) 006:2011. It is expected to provide recommendations to special libraries government agencies to comply with the standards so that the library can provide excellent service to the user so that the rate of uses library increases. It also affects the employee's performance because it corresponds to the special library functions in providing information to support the activities of the institution

Research limitations/implications: The standard library defines a basic reference in organizing and managing a special library of government agencies in Indonesia. SNP examines the opening hours of service, type of service, as well as cooperation.

Practical implications – - Originality/value – special libraries should implement services at least in accordance with predetermined standards
