Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Summer 5-16-2019
Document Type
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This Paper attempt to user satisfaction of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) in the Public Libraries Chennai. In this investigation about the frequency, purpose, problem faced by users and satisfaction of public library users. This study also analyze the awareness of users, important of OPAC, lack of skills user to OPAC and proper guidance of library staffs to search them needs and locate them resources on the shelves. The present of study survey approach was used distributed 100 questionnaires and 90 questionnaire received back and analyzed with specific objectives. This study focused on the user OPAC to Check availability of document in the library 33(36.67%), followed by the users due to the Internet Speeds 42(46.67%) and 53(58.89%) users Satisfied by the users on use of OPAC.
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