Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 6-1-2019

Document Type



  1. Kannan, P. (2015). Semantic based researcher profile Management system: A Case study on Vivo. Inflibnet. 22(4) 22-30.
  2. Kannan P., Shankar, Kimadi & Jagadish Arora (2018). Federated research profile management for researcher in India: Indian research information network system (IRINS). Inflibnet. 25(3). 14-21.
  3. Chaman, Sab., Dharni, Kumar. & Biradar, BS (2018). Examination Experts sharing in Engineering & technology: Using INFLIBNET – Vidwan database. International Journal of Library and Information Studies. 8(2). 78-83.
  4. Jayapragash G Muthraj A., & Rajakumar T (2017). An analysis of profile management system with special refience to Vidwan database. 11th International CALIBER (pp.106-112). Chennai.
  5. IRINS,


Dear Sir, i am submitting our research paper for publishing in upcoming issue of your journal, please consider this paper for publishing and encourage to researcher , thank you sir



IRINS is web-based Research Information Management (RIM) service provided by the Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre, An Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission, Gandhinagar, Gujarat developed a database called “VIDWAN: Expert database and National Research Network” which is a premier database of research profiles of scientist/ researchers and faculty members working in leading academic institutions and research & Development organisations involved in teaching and research across India. The academic, Research & Development (R&D) Organisations and faculty members, scientists to collect, curate and showcase the scholarly communication activities and provided an opportunity to create the scholarly network. The IRINS is available as free software – as – serves to the academic and R&D organisation in India.
