Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Ndanwu, A. I. and Nwankwo, T. V. (2019). Effect of using “Just-In-Time Teaching (JITT)” Method and “Modified Lecture” Method in Teaching Cataloguing and Classification Courses in Anambra State. Library Philosophy and Practice


This study was designed to investigate the effect of just-in time on the academic achievement and interest of students offering cataloguing and classification course in Anambra State. In other to effectively carry out the study, it adopted the quasi experimental design particularly the pretest and posttest non-equivalent control group. The sample for the study comprised of 81 students from 2 selected tertiary schools (Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka; and Federal Polytechnic Oko) out of five tertiary schools in the area using purposive random sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was Cataloguing and Classification Achievement Test (CCAT) validated by two lectures in library and information science and measurement and evaluation. The reliability of instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha which yielded coefficient of internal consistency of 0.81. Data were collected by administering CAT as pretest, and posttest .The data obtained was analyzed using mean, and ANCOVA. Three research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. The results showed that there is significant difference in the mean achievement scores of male and female students in the experimental group, in favour of females. The result also showed that there is a significant difference between the mean achievement scores in cataloguing and classification of students in the just-in-time instructional strategy and modified lecture method groups, in favour of the just in time instructional strategy group. The researcher recommended that cataloguing lecturers should adopt the just-in-time instruction approach in teaching cataloguing concepts. Special training on how to use the just-in-time teaching method in teaching should be organized for cataloguing and classification lecturers by the government and Nigerian Library Association (NLA); so as to help them become competent in its use and application.
