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The Post-UME screening examination conducted by the University of Education, Ikere-Ekiti (TUNEDIK), particularly in essay writing, exposed inadequacies in most of the candidates. A total of 500 candidates were randomly selected for this study from five departments of the three foundation faculties of education, science and information technology and arts, social and management sciences. 200 out of the 500 candidates (40%) scored 200 marks and above in JAMB, 125 candidates (25%) scored 190-199, also 125 candidates (25%) again scored 180-189 and 50 candidates (10%) scored 170-179 in JAMB. Ironically, only 87 out of the 200 candidates (43.5%), who scored 200 and above in JAMB, passed the Post-UME essay while the remaining 113 candidates (56.5%) scored below 40%. Without screening, candidates who scored 200 marks and above in JAMB would have been automatically admitted on merit, whereas many of those candidates in the score ranges of 190-199 and 180-189 did better in the Post-UME essay.
