Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln



Eungi KimFollow

Date of this Version

Winter 11-2019

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This study aimed to assess the value of Korean school library research by comparing Korean and international research on school libraries. To conduct this research, records of international papers indexed by Scopus and domestic papers indexed by the Korean Citation Index (KCI) on school libraries were downloaded. These records were analyzed and compared in terms of publication trends, journals, and author keywords. Approximately, four Korean LIS journals collectively published 39% more papers than the international journals indexed by Scopus, suggesting the substantial contributions made by Korean researchonschool libraries. The unique subtopicsofschool libraries in Korean domestic research were the revitalization of school libraries, reading instruction, curriculum development, library instruction, and the School Library Promotion Act. The results also showed that despite the many papers on school libraries in domestic journals, there was a lack of papers on Korean school libraries in the Scopus database. Consequently, more research is particularly needed for the Korean researchers to effectively share their domestic research with the international academic community.
