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The lack of appropriate strategies in cultural development has become one of the reasons for the weakness of Sundanese culture in maintaining the power and quality of its life. Thus, there is a need for an appropriate and tested cultural development strategy. This strategy must be compiled and built together based on the principles of strategic and equitable. This study aims to create a literacy model as part of cultural preservation.The researcher used a descriptive method with a case study approach. Data collection is done through participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation study. Respondents in this research were the managers of the Saung Budaya Tatar Karang Cipatujah, community leaders, religious leaders, and the government representatives of 13 people.Data analysis is done by technical triangulation. The data analysis process is carried out through the stages of reduction, display, and verification.The results showed that the cultural literacy model developed in the Sindangkerta area was based on Culture Experience and Culture Knowledge with the principle of life: silih asih, silih asah silih asuh . From the results of the research it can be concluded that the cultural literacy has been able to build public awareness in preserving Sundanese culture. Furthermore, it is suggested that research be conducted to examine the effectiveness of applying the cultural literacy model based on community participation.
