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This study aims to find communication model of contingency plan for disaster risk management of Sinabung volcano eruption, in North Sumatera. The object of the research is communication and coordination across the government, non-government organization, and community. This study used planning theory, the concept of communication planning, and types of disaster management plan. Descriptive qualitative is used as the method. Data collection was obtained from Focus Group Discussion (FGD), in-depth interviews, observation, and study documentation. An analysis was conducted qualitatively on the program and competence actors. The results found the communication model of disaster risk management through documents of contingency planning to overcome the threat of Mount Sinabung eruption. The core of this model is the communication planning to decrease the impact of the eruption of Mount Sinabung, especially during the emergency response. The contingency plan becomes a document of Karo District Government which is authorized by the authorized official, and ready to be implemented into Emergency Response Operation Plan (through the information of damage and the need of the result of the quick review) when disaster strikes. The contingency plan is also submitted to the legislature for political commitment and support and budget allocation. At this stage of the research, the Contingency Plan product obtains formal approval in the form of a regent regulation.
