Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Fall 11-18-2019
Document Type
1. Ajiferuke I, Burrel Q and Tague J. 1988. Collaborative coefficient: A Single measure of the degree of collaboration in research. Scientometrics, Vol. 14, no.5-6: 421-33.
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2. Bapte, Vishal and Gedam, Jyoti . 2018). A Scientometric Profile of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University During 1996-2017. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Vol. 38, no.5: 326-333.
DOI: 10.14429/djlit.38.5.13194.
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4. Lee, HW. 2005. Knowledge Management and the Role of Libraries. Third China-US Library Conference. Asian Division, Library of Congress. Washington, DC. U.S.A.
Available at:
5. Nazim, M & Mukherjee, B . 2016. Knowledge Management in Libraries: Concepts, Approaches and tools. Chandos publishing.
Available at:
6. Siwach, Anil & Parmar, Seema . 2018. Research Contributions of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar: A Bibliometric Analysis. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Vol. 38, no.5: 334-341.
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The study presents the trends of research in Knowledge Management during 2014-2018. The data has been extracted from the Web of Science database on the affiliation of basic search. The research output has been derived on the basis of 963 publications receiving 4148 citations with a 4.87 percent average citation per paper. The authorship pattern was dominated by two authors securing 35.099% and collaboration co-efficient of 0.488. The country-wise publication was dominated by the United States contributing 159 papers. Out of the total 963 publications, 881(91.5%) are article which seems to top the list. The Journal of Knowledge Management seems to be the often sought journal for publishing KM articles occupying 25.54% of the total publication. However, the highly cited paper appears in MIS Quarterly authored by Kane, G.C et al. The major subject category was the application of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in KM. Finally, the co-occurrence of keywords throws light on the research interest of the researchers.