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This paper aims to analyze the pollution control research publications by the Indian contributions from the scopus online database between 2007 and 2018 with 33084 research publications. Out of that, 1997 publications are contributed by India. This study examine the year wise growth of research publications, relative growth rate and doubling time, bibliographic form of publications, top 10 country wise contributions and authorship pattern. During the study period, maximum of 226(0.68%) publications are contributed in the year 2018. Activity index ranges between 79.89 and 121.86 during the study period. The relative growth rate is found that, 0.61 to 0.12 between 2007 and 2018. On the same time doubling time values are 1.14 to 5.77. During the study maximum of 1441 (72.16%) publications is article. 607 Indian authors research publications are collaborated by 69 other countries. Maximum of 112(5.61%) publications are collaborated by United States. The average degree of collaboration is 0.92, average collaborative coefficient is 0.61 and average collaborative index is 0.30. During the study period it is identified that, CAI for single, two and three authorship are decreasing trend.
