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Fall 12-20-2019
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The people of Cireundeu Village are known to hold firm Sundanese wiwitan customs and traditions of ancestral heritage that contain local wisdom. The tradition of eating cassava rice has been carried out by indigenous peoples for a hundred years since 1918 for generations. The process of introducing and applying the tradition of eating cassava rice was started by this traditional family in carrying out the inheritance of giving culture to the village of Cireundeu.
This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach to three indigenous families in Cireundeu village who have different beliefs and birthplaces. As parents in the family communicate the tradition of eating cassava rice or shortened constellations to children or young people as recipients of cultural heritage. The purpose of this study was to find out 1) Why the tradition of eating constellations was maintained and passed on to children. 2) How is the pattern of communication of indigenous families in applying the tradition of eating constellations to their children
The results showed that 1) Children are the younger generation who are expected to be the successors to the tradition of eating racial food (cassava rice) because it bequeathed this tradition so that children have self-identity, self-confidence, and pride in having a local culture that is characteristic of food security in the village of Cireundeu. 2) Communication patterns of inheritance of the tradition of eating constellations in indigenous families are carried out with an interpersonal communication approach (openness, empathy, equality, positive attitude and support) to children. The communication process occurs because of tolerance. Tolerance creates cooperative behavior, wise behavior and adapted behavior among family members
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