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This article presents the analysis of collaboration pattern for the articles published in the journal: Malasian Journal of Library and Information Science during the period 2011-2015. Several indicators of collaboration including authorship pattern, collaboration index, degree of collaboration, and collaboration coefficient has been studied. Average authors per paper, productivity per author, most prolific authors, single authored and multi-authored articles are investigated. During the period of study MJLIS has published 110 articles by 289 authors, out of which 18 single authored, 42 double authored, 33 triple authored, 9 four author, 3 five author and 5 more than 5 authored papers have been contributed. The average degree of collaboration is 0.83, average collaboration index is 2.67, average coefficient of collaboration is 0.51, and average modified collaboration coefficient is 0.53 during the five years 2011-2015. Bibliometrics (43 times) Information literacy(11), Library use (12), Information seeking (10)and Malaysia (8) anr the most used keywords. The most productive institutes are found to be University of Malaya, Malaysia (60),Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (17), Islamic Azad University, Iran (13)and Universiti Sains Malaysia (12).The top four most prolific authors are A Abrizah with 10 (3.39%) articles, A Zainab with 9 papers, N H Abdul Karim and S A Saani each with five papers. Average authors per paper (AAPP) during the five years are found to be 2.57,2.9, 2.63, 2.25, 2.80 . It was found that there are 38 inter-institute collaborations, 34 are intra institute collaborations and 25 international collaborations.
