Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 12-10-2019

Document Type



The study investigated utilization and attitude of Kabale national teachers college students towards use of library materials. The survey research design was used in the study. The population is 200 registered users randomly sampled. The questionnaire was used to collect data, 200 copies of the questionnaire were distributed, 196 were returned, while 184 were found suitable for analysis. The data were analyzed using frequency and statistical mean (x) to answer the research questions with a criterion mean of 2.50. The hypothesis was tested using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) at 0.05 level of significance. The study found that attitude of the students’ towards the use of library materials is high, but students’ perception of adequacy of library materials in the various divisions of the library is low. While extent of use of library materials by students and the extent of students’ perception of books in open access and reserved materials is high and adequate, with the exception of reference materials, special collection materials and databases which is low. The study recommended that the parent institution through the librarian should increase the collections in the various sections/divisions of the library to be more adequate, this will encourage students to utilize library resources effectively. The Librarian should ensure that the library subscribe to data bases, this will in no small way help in the provision of current resources to library users, this will also sustain student positive attitude and perception towards the use of library resources.
