Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-12-2019

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Dr. M. Kumaran

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Respected Chief Editor,

Herewith I am sending the manuscript entitled “Bibliometric analysis of Indian contribution in the research literature on artificial intelligence: a study.” for your kind perusal and favourable consideration to publish in Library Philosophy and Practice’. The manuscript contains 4 figures and 6 tables, the documents (full manuscript) were attached in the format of MS word. And this manuscript has not been submitted/ published previously.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

(Dr. M. Kumaran)


The present research paper pertains to the bibliometric analysis of literature on Artificial Intelligence during the year 1986-2015. The main objectives of the research work are to explore the academic research/review publication contributed by the Scientists and Subject experts from the Engineering background. The data/information used in this study has been proclaimed from the online database “Scopus”. The following terms were used as keywords to retrieve the data from the “Scopus” are (TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH (artificial intelligence) AND PUBYEAR > 1985 AND PUBYEAR < 2015 AND (LIMIT-TO (SUBJAREA,"ENGI”))). The study has revealed and discussed on the major parameters of yearly publication, citation pattern, a bibliographic form of publication, highly contributed authors, top-ranking authors, etc. The foremost results of our study have found that during the study period 2676 research publications were contributed by the Indian authors in the Engineering discipline.
