Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Kona Ramakrishna

Assistant Librarian, Knowledge Resources Center, GITAM (Deemed to be University), Andhra Pradesh, India.

Rudraksha Gowridevi

Research Scholar, Guest faculty, Department of Library and Information Science, Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Chagari Sasikala

Advisor, In charge Chief Librarian, Knowledge Resources Center, GITAM (Deemed to be University) and Retired Professor in Department of Library and Information Science, Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, India.


The Study examined usefulness of library and Information Services in Deemed to be University libraries in Andhra Pradesh. In this study the questionnaires were circulated among 1164 library users (nearly 20% of the Universe) (faculty members, research scholars and postgraduate students) out of whom 1030 responses were received representing 88 percent of the total sample to whom the questionnaire was distributed. It is evident from the analysis that majority of users opinioned book lending service as effective. Among those who considered the facility as very effective and effective the percentage of users from GITAM is more compared to others. Furthers the study found that remaining all library information services opinioned as somewhat effective. The study suggested that most of the services and facilities offered by the libraries of deemed to be universities were rated as somewhat effective. In order to make them effective, measures to be taken by the library management. Developing user-oriented services instead of generalized services based on the regular feed back from them will improve the value and usefulness of the service to the intended users.
