Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This paper examined the challenges and strategies of digital inclusion and inclusive development in Nigeria, with particular attention to the library perspective. The paper espouses the contribution of digital inclusion and libraries to inclusive development. It explicates the benefit of replicating these contributions in national development. The paper relied on qualitative techniques premised on empirical example from literature including case studies and success stories from around the world. The paper revealed that in spite of the positive contributions of ICTs to the development of Nigeria, especially in aspect of high digital penetration rate, and being one of the fastest growing in the world, there are still challenges including those of access, affordability, lack of appreciation of libraries and poor funding for them, militating against digital inclusion and inclusive development in Nigeria. The paper recommended among other things that taking a cue from success stories around the world, appropriate digital inclusion and inclusive development policies and strategies that will aid in revolutionalising and transforming Nigeria’s development be adopted. The paper is divided into five which includes introduction, conceptual framework, contextual discourse, conclusion and recommendations.
