Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2-19-2020

Document Type



The paper examined provision of library resources and services to visually impaired students at Oyo state school for the blind, Ogbomoso, Nigeria, the study preempt at the type of visual impaired students to be partially sighted, low vision, legal blind and totally blind, provision of information resources and services are important ranging from braille books, large print books, audio tape, tactile sign, language book, braille machine, adaptive technology, CCTV, magnifying glass/sheet and audio magazines among others should be provided for these target groups, the descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study, using questionnaire as instrument for data collection, sample of 50 visual impaired students was used ,the findings of the study revealed that, information need on health, job security, education scholarship, sport and recreation etc are not provided at all. Based on the findings, the study recommended that, the visually impaired students need special attention, care and all information resources should be adequately provided, make available for use with ease and established good relationship among the library staff and students with disabilities and government should pay good attention to these categories of students.
