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Shehzadi, R., Ramzan, M., Khawaja, N. Hina, A. (2019) Social Media, Climate Change, Awareness about Climate Change, Youth and Climate Changes, Climate Changes Concerns, Climate Changes in Pakistan. Library Philosophy and Practice


The research was conducted in Sialkot Pakistan and not published before


Our climate is changing so fast and influencing all aspects of our life. Serious efforts are needed to make our youth aware of environmental changes happening in our localities and globally. Youth is heavily using social media these days. Therefore, it is imperative to understand how informed are our young boys and girls of changings occurring in our climates and then educate them to cope with these changes. This study investigated levels of awareness about climate changes amid social media users and non-users amongst youth in Pakistan. Primary data was collected through 187 randomly sampled young college and university students on a Social Media Usage Scale and Climate Change Awareness Scale. Findings revealed significant difference among social media users and non-users concerning awareness about climate changes. Respondents also have different levels of interest in climate changes based on their age, gender, level of education and other factors. Effectiveness of social media in creating awareness amongst youth has been determined a significant factor in protection of our climate and ultimately living conditions. Empirical data generated through this empirical research will go a long way for policy-makers, teachers, parents and other stakeholders to plan for climate protection of our regions and the planet earth.
