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This research aims to the description of developing literacy digital education for youth. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The subject research is youth internet users age between 17 – 25 years old. Youth are digital natives who use the internet range 3 hours until 7 hours a day. Digital literacy training consists of several stages following the model used. The first stage is related to knowledge about mass media. Participants initially have no knowledge related to digital and technology literacies. Theoretical knowledge is given so that participants have a similar understanding of the topics. The knowledge given at the early stage is basic knowledge such as introduction to media and digital literacy as well as definition, history, and development of media literacy. Digital literacy education for youth is needed to achieve the expected goals. It was also designed with attention to supporting under youth development. A targeted and structured program of digital literacy education is needed to make the youth wise in using social media. The result of this research showed that the motivation dimension pertains to the purpose of accessing and awareness of the benefit of media. Knowledge dimension includes strategies and the ability to understanding media functions. The knowledge dimension includes the knowledge of media contribution to contemporary culture and of reality construction that media develops. These capabilities are also possessed by the participants. This dimension also includes the knowledge of the contribution of the media to contemporary culture and the construction of reality built by the media, which is also owned by the trainees The skill dimension is the ability to analyze, evaluate, communicate, and also criticize the media. The trainees who took part in the training already fulfilled these three dimensions.
