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  1. Elsayed, A. M. (2016). The use of academic social networks among Arab researchers. Soc. Sci. Comput. Rev. 34, 378–391. doi: 10.1177/0894439315589146 .
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A variety of Academic Social Networking (ASN) Platforms, Including ResearchGate, Academia.edu and Google Scholar, have gained popularity over the past decades. A common capability of many of these academic social networking websites is to provide an online repository to which users can upload and share research papers. Now 10 years since the launch of the three main platforms which currently lead the market (Academia.edu, ResearchGate, and Mendeley), it is timely to review how and why ASNS are used. Recently Microsoft Academic also. These sites allow uploading academic articles, abstracts, and links to published articles; track demand for published articles, and engage in professional interaction. This study investigates the nature of the use and the perceived utility of the Academic Social Networking Sites among the LIS Professionals in the North Eastern Region in India. This study reveals that Non Teaching Professionals have knowledge of ASNSs. Google Scholar and Academia are the most used ASNSs among LIS professionals. 77.5% of the LIS Professionals indicated their preference for uploading a full-text version of their publications and 52.42% accessed the relevant ASNS at least daily.
