Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study investigated the reading interests of undergraduate students of select colleges affiliated to University of Delhi by studying the various aspects of reading interests and habits such as reading likeness, preference for various categories of information, purpose of reading, preference for fiction and non-fiction books and time spent on various activities per day.The structured questionnaires were distributed to get the responses from male and female respondents of different disciplines. The collected data was analysed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science, Version-25) applying different statistical tests i.e. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Brown-Forsythe and Welch test and Weighted Mean.

The study revealed that majority of 89.9 percent undergraduate students like reading and 68.2 percent respondents were at the age group of 19-20 years from sciences, social sciences and humanities discipline. Female respondents were more inclined towards reading in compare to the male counterparts. Both male and female respondents prefer reading books followed by newspapers and magazines. The maximum number of male and female respondents was found strongly inclined reading information sources for academic purpose followed by general knowledge. Fiction genre read by females include short stories, mystery and adventure. Whereas, male respondents read science fiction and historical fiction. Non-fiction includes self-help books and essays were frequently read by females whereas, the majority of the males read the biographies. It also depicted that female respondents preferred reading more of print resources. Whereas, male respondents read print and online resources equally.
