Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 1-31-2020

Document Type



Rafique, G. M. and Anwar, M. A. (2020). Knowledge sharing channels used by medical students in Pakistan. Library Philosophy and Practice.


Purpose: This study aimed at exploring the preferred and effective communication channels used by medical students, and the reasons for choosing these for knowledge sharing (KS).

Method: A survey questionnaire was used to collect the data from voluntarily participated 194 undergraduate medical students selected by proportional stratified simple random sampling technique from the University College of Medicine of The University of Lahore. A total of 149 (77%) questionnaires were returned.

Findings: Some major findings showed that the medical students mostly preferred and considered face-to-face and SMS (Short Messaging Services) effective communication channels for KS. They used these channels due to their convenience and accessibility. Female students preferred face-to-face and telephonic conversation an effective communication media for KS as compared to male students.

Originality / Value: There was a lack of studies focusing on the communication channels used by medical students for KS. It was important to explore various communication channels used by medical students as they were likely to join the workforce after their graduation. The findings will support students to achieve better performance by knowing the importance and value of channel richness to improve learning in their learning environment.
