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The study examines the use of ICT by school teachers in Sri Lanka for information seeking and using the internet for communication. The survey method was adapted and the questionnaire was used as the main data collection tool for the study. The results revealed that the level of school ICT capacity in Sri Lanka is not satisfied because only the half of schools survey had ICT labs. The teachers are more confident in using word processor such as word programs and the basic ICT skills than other applications. It was found that even though a substantial amount of ICT resources are available in schools, teachers usage are very much low. Most of the teachers used the internet for searching information and they accessed the internet from privately either from home, mobile phone or cyber café. Most of the teachers used as the search engine and the majority said they had ever searched on the internet for a particular topic and they felt the information retrieved from the internet was relevant to their topics. Even though the half of the respondents had received training on how to use ICT, most of them believe that ICT can have a positive impact for their teaching. Finally it was found that a statistically significant positive relationship between ICT skills confidence and the gender, age and work experience of the respondents.
