Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



This study is concerned about the study habits of secondary school students. The quality of education is enhanced when students have good study habits and make good use of the library. Unfortunately, students adapt wrong methods of studying by procrastinating and then memorizing when examinations draw near. Some prefer to read in classrooms, home and at times religious centres where they hardly concentrate. The study, therefore, examined the relationship between study habits and library use among secondary schools in Akinyele Local Government area, Ibadan. A descriptive survey technique was employed for the study. Students questionnaire and interview were used for data collection. The questionnaire was validated in two secondary schools. There are about forty secondary schools in the area of study; the total population of students is about sixty-five thousand while the total population of the teacher librarians is forty. Out of the total population of students, 300 students and 10 teacher librarian were randomly selected using simple random sampling in which each school in the population had an equal chance of being selected. The mean, standard deviation, percentage and chi-test were employed to analyse the research questions.

The study shows that government intervention towards the improvement of school library in the state is low and the students do not use library to study as a result of reported constraints: no standard library, lack of awareness programme on the method of using library, unavailability of current library materials and unqualified librarians. If the aforementioned constraints could be taken into consideration, the use of library would be enhanced and students would have good study habits.

Based on the findings, the study recommends that government should finance school libraries for improvement or construct new ones where applicable. Well-trained and qualified librarians should be employed in the schools and there should be training and orientation programme for students on how to use the library for study.
