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The garbage bank is one of the institutions that play a role in managing household waste to be more beneficial for environmental, health, and economy. For this reason, there is a need for capable management system enables to facilitate the community in the collection, withdrawal, and transactions of the garbage. The organizer of the Dahlia Garbage Bank in Margahurip Village, Banjaran District, Bandung Regency, is trying to offer a Waste-Generating Information System (SISAPU) through socialization to the community as a solution to the waste management. This study aims to explore the reasons for SISAPU socialization, the SISAPU socialization process, and SISAPU socialization objectives. The method used in this research is descriptive with data collection techniques using observation and in-depth interviews. The informants are the organizer of the waste bank, and housewives, and members of the youth group. The results of this research show that the reason for SISAPU's socialization is that it is easy to use and accelerates the process of collecting waste, and is also able to generate money or exchange it with cellular pulses/electricity tokens, or hydroponic vegetables. The SISAPU socialization process was carried out interpersonally at the time of garbage collection and profit-sharing, or in groups at the village forum meetings. The purpose of SISAPU Socialization is to increase knowledge, equalize perception, and build participation by using android-based waste management.
