Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Summer 3-1-2020
Document Type
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This paper is an attempt to know the information use pattern of media professionals working in four zones of Karnataka state i.e. Bengaluru, Mysuru, Mangalore, and Shivamogga. The study is confined to 112 journalists belonged to the four zones. The study found that reporting is the major activity performed by journalists. The majority of media professionals have an interest in areas like education and the environment. Newspapers, newspaper apps are the major source of information for journalists. Further, it is found that Social media, blogs, television, personal contacts, letters from readers have provided news content. Writing a news article, knowing the background of the event, getting the story angle are the major purposes of using information resources. The paper discusses the hazards related to the effective use of information. Insufficient infrastructure, lack of support from higher authorities seem to be the problems in the effective use of information.