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GIS has emerged in last few decades as an essential tool for mapping of geo-reference data and it can be used by researchers having different disciplines for various aspects. It represents an integration of different subject domains. The purpose of this paper is to examine the research trend in open access GIS research. This paper aims to analyze global output on open access GIS research as index in WoS database during the period 2009 to 2018, in respect of growth rate, year-wise publications and citations, major productive countries in addition to international collaborations, most productive authors and their citation impact, preferred journals, top institutions, author’s keywords, mode of scholarly communications etc. A total 8,917 papers contributed by 32,071 authors from 167 different countries in 12 modes of communications and received 116,571 citations, average 13.07 citations per paper during the study period. USA registered the most productive country with 21.51% world publications share and 11.42% international collaborations. The average growth rate was 13.95% and highest growth rate (31.86%) of publications was registered in 2016. The researcher from Chinese Academy of Science published maximum number (311) of articles and the author B. Pradhan have made published (70) highest publications. This study indicates the growth of open access GIS research across the world irrespective of citation count, collaboration rate etc.