Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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This study investigated the information needs, information seeking behaviour and use of undergraduates in two Nigerian universities using two-stage sampling technique namely: purposive sampling technique and random sampling technique. The population of the study was full-time 200, 300, 400 and 500 level undergraduates of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State and Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State. This population was made up of 15,847 students in Obafemi Awolowo University and 19,042 students in Federal University of Agriculture. Therefore, the population of the study comprises 34,889 undergraduate students. A total of two hundred and twenty one undergraduates questionnaires were used for gathering information. Eight (8) copies were invalid, thus, two hundred and thirteen copies, (213), that is, (96.3%) were valid for the analysis. The findings revealed that respondents mostly use internet (47.9%) and textbooks (21%), followed by newspapers and magazines. The major needs of the undergraduates were for academic development, knowledge updating and preparation for examinations. Most of the respondents accessed information through personal internet subscription, while few accessed information through institutional wifi. The findings also revealed that respondents most frequently used information sources were internet, textbooks, as well as newspapers and magazines. Epileptic power supply, non availability of information materials, and lack of recent and updated information materials were some of the challenges the undergraduates faced. The study recommended among others that: adequate library information resources should be acquired such that it will meet the needs of the undergraduates; awareness and orientation should also be given to undergraduates on needs to expand the scope of their information utilization beyond examination and assignment purposes.