Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Summer 2020
Document Type
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This article analyses the articles on Phytochemistry Literature with the tools of Altmetric. For this study, 10 articles on phytochemistry literature were taken for the analysis. This study also compares the Citations received by a publication against the Altmetric score. The study shows that the most of the Publications are shared by the social media Twitter. Moreover readers prefer to read the articles through Reference Manager Mendeley. The study discovers that there is a moderate correlation between Citation and Altmetric Score. Only one paper obtains citation and Altmetric score equally. Another paper gets citation and Altmetric score in near equal. Out of the 10 papers, four papers received more citations. Of the 4 highly cited articles, three papers receive very low Altmetric score and only one paper receives high Altmetric score.