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1. Makuuchi M. Makuuchi M Editor-in-Chief. Biosci Trends. 2007; 1:1.

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BioScience Trends (BST) is a peer-reviewed journal belongs to the International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement (IRCA-BSSA) Group of Japan. Despite a decade of existence, no study was performed to measure the bibliometric profile of the journal. The objective of this study was to investigate the bibliometric characteristic of BST. A bibliometric analysis will specifically measure: 1) growth rate of the scientific publications, 2) dynamics of authorship and collaboration pattern; 3) core research themes of articles that have been published, and 4) citation pattern of BST. Bibliographical archives of BST were obtained from the Core Collection database of the Web of Science (WoS). We divided the dataset into three interval periods, 2007-2010, 2011-2014 and 2015-2017 respectively. Data processing and analysis was performed using Bibliometrix, a bibliometric analysis package in R software, VOSViewer 1.66, Orange 3.15 and CitNetExplorer. Within one decade of scientific production, BST continues to attract global researchers in life sciences. However, it is still dominated by authors from China and Japan. Annual journal growth of BST is 12.83 %. Reaching the end of the first decade, number of first author and the country origin multiplied, 20 and 5 times respectively, compared to the first-year. Research themes are consistent with the Aims and Scope of the Journal with strong emphasizes on molecular biology, biochemistry, and clinical research. Entering the second decade, strategies to promote and enlarge authors participation from countries that are not in the current list are encouraged.

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Figure 1

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Figure 2

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Figure 3

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Figure 4

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Figure 5
