Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Anyira, I.E. (2020). Need For Adoption Of Koha Integrated Library Management Software In Nigerian Academic Libraries


The main objective of this paper is to justify the need for Nigerian libraries which have not automated their functions to adopt of Koha ILMS as their automation software. The paper therefore examined the need for automation, the reasons for the choice of Koha ILMS and potential benefits accruable to the libraries, and functions that Koha can facilitate their perform in their libraries. The paper identified the need for automation to include need to handle information explosion, for effective management of library operations, to improve operation speed, resource sharing etc; the choice of Koha was informed by its features and benefits which include Koha in Nigeria libraries could be linked to its powerful features which include MARC 21 compatibility, Z39.50 search, Customizability to suit individual library needs and taste, sustainability etc; the paper identified the library operations facilitated by Koha to include acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, patron management, OPAC etc. the paper however highlighted data migration and lack of skilled manpower as limitations to Koha adoption. The paper therefore recommends that a committee should be constituted to oversee the automation project. As part of feasibility study, the committee should visit libraries where Koha is in use for on the spot assessment. Management should make the requirements for installation available, while staff training should be conducted in-house. in addition, libraries in Nigeria utilizing Koha should come together to form a network of libraries to facilitate resource sharing.
