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Anyira, I.E.and Idubor, I. (2020). Poor Webometrics Ranking of Nigerian Higher Institutions: Causes, Implications and Solutions.


Unpublished paper presented at the Faculty of Education, Delta State University Abraka, 11th International Conference June 25-28, 2019.


This paper was designed to identify the causes of poor ranking of Nigerian higher institutions with a view to finding a lasting solution to the issue. The review method was used in this paper. Primary information was obtained from webometrics website, Nigerian Universities Commission website among other sources. The reasons for poor ranking of institutions include lack of web use policy, inadequate infrastructure, scarce use of web for publishing, teaching, research and learning activities etc. the implication of poor ranking include inability to secure more funds from stakeholders, lack of international recognition and prestige etc. the paper recommends that a each institution should put up a web policy to guide the use of the web for teaching, learning research and communication of university activities and achievements to the global community.
