Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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E-Libraries has become more relevant in present situation of COVID-19 pandemic as it has caused an international lockdown in the world and India. Causing majority of the citizens to stay at home. The survey was conducted to study the reading habits of various library users (volunteers) during this situation. Besides the reading habit, the survey also collected the data for the various activities carried out by users at home. Main finding of the survey is that the users had taken keen interest to switch over to reading eBooks and 70% of student users and 53% of faculty users are reading more e-content especially books/magazines/research papers. Besides the extensive reading habit, the survey also discloses the greater involvement of users for learning/leisure/hobby activities at home. Student users have also reported spending more quality life with family members at home. Above all, the survey disclosed the reading of books as the main activity of the users during lockdown. This finding will inspire the organizations for establishing scalable and secure elibrary Infrastructure and for focusing on acquiring more eBooks for the eLibrary and provide better services to their users during situations like that of COVID-19.
