Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln



Introduction: The college library is established to support academic activities including education, research and public services. Then particular services are needed for particular users related to the learning process with the availability of user education. User education acts as literacy of information to users in mastering accessing and evaluating sources of information needed.

Data Collection Method: It uses a quantitative methodology of descriptive research by making direct observation when program user education was held by Bahagian Kemahiran Maklumat.

Results and Discussions. This study found that the implementation of user education resulted in the effectiveness of the program from 4 assessment indicators, namely the accuracy of program targets with highly effective assessments, the effectiveness of program socialization, the effectiveness of program objectives, and program monitoring by ineffective category.

Conclusions. Consistency and sustainability are needed in executing and impalementing programs conducted to user education, so those become a form of optimizing objectives of the User Education service to students in accessing needed information as well as supporting indicators of college learning.
